Went to Matlock today, with SheWhoIsNeverWrong, for fish and chips. Sometimes these things just have to be done and a glorious sunny March Sunday seemed just such an occasion.
The UK’s premier lefty blogger, author, journalist, blues-man and all-round good-egg and snappy dresser, Dave Osler, questioned the wisdom of such a plan. “Another town, just for a kitchen supper? Don’t they have fish & chip shops in Nottingham?” Dave O, bless him, while a splendid human being with talent and the love (or at least the patience) of a very fine woman to sustain him, nevertheless labours under the burden of being not just a southerner but a Londoner, too. As all who reside above the Watford Gap know, such individuals are not fit and proper persons to judge in matters of this regard. Apart from anything else, lots of English chippies insist on leaving the skin on the fish. A nauseating practice thankfully eschewed by the great Matlock fish-fryers.
Being something of a Mecca for bikers, Matlock was, as it invariably is on days like these, rammed with the two-wheeled beasts. Although the character of the owners seems to have changed somewhat over the years. Once upon a time you couldn’t move in any direction without bumping into a 1%er. Today, though, only Satan’s Slaves appeared to be represented with the overwhelming majority of machines belonging, instead, to sport’s bike enthusiasts, complete with those ridiculous, almost fetish-like, Power Ranger outfits they seem to like.
Of far more importance, though, was the post-scoff visit to the adjacent bookshop which yielded a fine hoard. Miles Davis’ collaborative autobiography by and with Quincy Troupe, a title I’ve been meaning to acquire for years. Also Philip Norman’s Stones effort and David McGee’s BB King biog, “There Is always One More Time”. Nice, I think you’ll agree. Unlike SheWhoIsNeverWrong who, astonishingly, continues to believe I have “too many books”, a condition, again I’m sure you’ll agree, which simply does not and cannot exist.
Talking of muso biogs, I’ve recently finished Joel McIver’s excellent collaboration with Glenn Hughes. You really need to read this bad boy. A remarkable tale brilliantly told. And while on the subject of Joel Mr Metal McIver, he recently asked me, in response to my congratulations, “when are you gonna do one of these here book things?” Well, an aptly-timed question as it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while until The Great Idea landed. Joel, kind and generous soul that he is, offered to assist and advise in any way he can.
A day or so later, during one of our regular nattering sessions, I mentioned all this to Mick Wall. “I can’t speak highly enough of Joel”, opined ‘Rock’s Most Famous Writer’. “If he’s offered help and advice you should definitely take it”. Who am I to argue with such a weighty authority as Mick Wall? As for The Great Idea, Mick was gratifyingly supportive and enthusiastic. “That’s a brilliant idea, H, and the timing is perfect. You should absolutely do this!” What can I say to that? Joel McIver and Mick Wall, of all people, both in my corner as a neophyte author! Fantastic but humbling, too. Many, many thanks indeed to those two up and outstanding gentlemen.
Yeah, life is sweet, currently. SheWhoIsNeverWrong is now making definite progress toward recovery, at long last, so that’s a huge relief, thanks be to the Great Architect, and the work is going well, too. Nearly caught up on all outstanding commissions and assignments, a little something for the patient, long-suffering but never less than excellent, Joe Daly of The Nervous Breakdown now firmly at the top of the list.
Settled in nicely at Powerplay Rock and Metal Magazine, too. In no part due to the kindness and friendly welcome proffered by fellow-scribes Andrew Hawnt (how great is that surname for an author of horror stories, by the way?) and Matt Spall and, of course, the indefatigable Red Imp (for Country Music fans, that means unflagging, tireless and full of beans), also of that parish.
Future Publishing’s excellent mag, Classic Rock, also now pay me actual real money for my ramblings and musings which reminds me; I must remember to move the dosh to another account before they find me out.
Cracking weekend, too. Saw Captain Horizon blaze across the Rescue Rooms skyline yesterday at Al Draper’s new and very much improved Upload Festival. A good lad is Al and I was chuffed it went so well for him.
Later, the evening took an unexpected turn. An interview with Mick Wall’s old mucka, Joe Bonamassa, or Joey Bones as Mick calls him, and a review of his Birmingham show was shunted instead to Monday in Nottingham. So I ambled over to Derbyshire where SheWhoIsNeverWrong was taking full advantage of her recent partial recovery and bossing Fahran about during a new promo-shoot. Given that today was bassist Alex Stroud’s birthday I shouldn’t have been surprised that the band’s manager, Beth Windsor, had organised festivities to follow the shoot. That those festivities involved both cake and copious amounts of Bushmills and Guinness wasn’t exactly earth-shattering news either and a good time was most assuredly had by all. As is always the case when attending a soirée at Windsor Castle. And let’s face it; that’s the nearest you’ll ever see me getting to crossing the threshold of a Royal household
Great news and great text, Harry. If the chips were actually great as well… I suppose the sky is the limit!!!
You met Joe Bonamassa? I am not worthy …
Not yet, Dave. Was supposed to be Nottingham tonight then it was going to be last Saturday and now it’s back on confirmed for tonight. Thought about you, actually, mate, as I’ve got a plus-one on the guest list from his PR people but I figured too short notice and too far for you to travel up.
Nothing wrong with a Power Rangers outfit, Doctors at the QMC said that mine saved Me from breaking My back