There are very few reasons to be cheerful on a Monday morning. The soul-sapping purgatory of the five-day span that links the weekends has only just started and most of us labour under its soul-crushing weight.

Today, however, is a little different as perfectly formed golden nuggets of good news, from a variety of sources, have arrived to ease your pain.

Without further ado, then, let’s spread those sunny rays of joy and announce that today, yes indeed, as in now, Distance, the long awaited and much anticipated new album from Toxic Federation, is finally available. From, well, pretty much everywhere; HMV, Play.com and all the usual outlets.

Pop along to http://www.toxicfederation.com/page733.html for more info and a free download of Dark Eyes, arguably the album’s best track.

If further convincing is required and, really, it shouldn’t, then have a butchers at this for all the reasons you need to add this splendid release to your music collection https://harrypaterson.co.uk/albums/1252/

The good times just keep a-rollin’ as the new E.P. from everyone’s Next Big Thing, Voodoo Johnson has also arrived.

This stunning release, available from http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/black-powder-mother-loader-ep/id462230272, is a slice of awesome without which the life of any person of class, taste and discernment will be utterly futile, empty and miserable.

Head on over to www.themr.co.uk, click on ‘CD Reviews’ and check out the 9/10 review if you doubt me.

At an embarrassingly paltry £2.49 for five, utterly superb, songs you’re almost stealing it but smother those pangs of conscience and grab it now. Don’t delay, do it today.

For fans of classily-wrought electronica and those of an Industrial bent, then all your prayers are now answered by Officers whose debut album, On The Twelve Thrones, is just sitting there waiting for you to succumb to its eerie embrace.

This is easily one of the strongest debut releases you’ll ever hear and is a very credible contender for album of the year.

Head here http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/on-the-twelve-thrones/id466821375 and grab it.

Again, should you be foolish enough to question its worth, then click this http://www.soundspheremag.com/reviews/54-cd/2405-cd-review-officers-on-the-twelve-thrones to read all about it.

So. Three great releases guaranteed to brighten even Brenda Ann Spencer’s Monday.

And last, but by no stretch of the imagination least, news arrives at Paterson Towers of the first live sighting of freshly minted A Thousand Enemies.

The recently expired and those holidaying on Mars excepted, you’ll be aware this is the new band comprising former Isoylsis main-man, Bane, skinsman Dave ‘Rickstein’ Wright, Two Minutes Hate alumni, Harwood and Andy ‘Snakes’ Goulter and recently unearthed genius, Phil Wilbraham.

Plays of the band’s first single, And Nothing Remains, went through the roof within the first hour of its release and you can check it out here http://www.reverbnation.com/athousandenemiesuk

To pile joyfulness upon ecstasy, the band have invited none other than West Midlands soon-to-be-superstars, Captain Horizon, to open the show for them! Now be honest; it really doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

Well, yes, actually. It does. The gig is free!!! Now this aint so much stealing as blatant grand larceny. In fact, you’d better wear a mask.

So there you have it. Four great reasons to be cheerful on a dreich and miserable Monday.

Have a great day, y’all. Y’hear?