Posts Tagged ‘A Thousand Enemies’

Write On Time

Posted: 26th February 2012 by Harry in Blog
Tags: , , Hammer Fest, , , Powerplay, Randy Rhoads

So, what did I miss this weekend? What happened? I could see that spring appears to have sprung. Vaguely, from a distance and through the smeared windows of my soul, dizzy from the thousands upon thousands of words cranked out over the last two days, while you bastards were, no doubt, having fun and all [...]


It’s usual, at the fag-end of a year, to cast a retrospective glance over the preceding months’ musical offerings and compile those ubiquitous lists; top ten best gigs, top ten best albums etc. This year, though, I fancy a change so instead here, in alphabetical order, are my top ten British breakthrough bands for 2012. [...]


There are very few reasons to be cheerful on a Monday morning. The soul-sapping purgatory of the five-day span that links the weekends has only just started and most of us labour under its soul-crushing weight. Today, however, is a little different as perfectly formed golden nuggets of good news, from a variety of sources, [...]