Posts Tagged ‘Goth’


First published by Soundsphere Magazine, April 2011 Pyschobilly? Glam? Metal? Rockabilly? Punk? Goth, even? All labels attached, at various times, to non-conformist horror-show duo, Devilish Presley. Certainly, a huge wodge of justification for the aforementioned adjectives exists, given their preceding four albums have encompassed elements of all these genres. And you can be sure of [...]

Dyonisis : Intoxicated

Posted: 27th September 2010 by Harry in Albums
Tags: Ambient, Dyonisis, , ,

First published in Moonshine Magazine, September 2010. This, the second, self-financed album from Dyonisis, might more accurately be titled ‘Sedated’, given the utter lack of variety and sheer, grinding monotony on offer. Hold on, though; my personal brief is to help and promote unsigned acts and I work on the premise that if I [...]