Never Again

Posted: 3rd November 2011 in Poetry & Lyrics
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You parade those poppies with unthinking zeal

Knowing nothing of how we feel

We, the unseen and untouched

Who bought their lies and paid so much

We, the dead, are always here

And we awake this time, every year

To watch with sadness and dismay

The flowers placed, where we lay

And still the lies are bought and sold

And you keep doing what you’re told

“Support our boys!” They say you must

But They are  unworthy of your trust

The Afghan bleeds when he’s shot

And never asked for what he got

The Iraqi, too, bleeds when cut

As the life he had, spills from his gut

Commemorate us not with lies and hate

Make a stand, it’s not too late

Repay us best, erase our stain

Say this year, ‘never again’

[If anyone knows who owns the copyright to the image, please let me know so I can credit the appropriate parties]

  1. Mick Wall says:

    Beautifully, painfully put.

    • Harry says:

      Thank you very much, Mick :-) I’m seriously out of the habit of writing poetry but this one just spilled out onto the page in about 2 minutes. No revisions, no corrections, I just wrote it down as soon as I thought it. Weird how that happens sometimes :-/
