Journey’s End

Posted: 21st June 2011 in Blog
Tags: , Daniel Hayes, , , , , , Tracy Holland

Isolysis press release

Photographs reproduced by kind permission of Sue Paterson Photography,

This has been one of the toughest press releases it’s ever been my burden to write. For a band I admired deeply, both musically and also as a collective I’m proud to call close friends, this will be also be the last press release I write for Isolysis.

There’s no easy way to break this to you guys, so let’s just rip the plaster from the wound and let the healing begin. Isolysis are no more. The band has split and the sun has now set on one of the UK’s most loved and most colourful unsigned bands.

“Why?” I hear you cry. Christ, where to start? Reasons are many, varied and complex and other musicians will know of the pressures, strains and hardships endured by a committed gigging and recording act.

I need only say that the split is mutual, amicable and, let there be no doubt, irrevocable. Tinged, inevitably, with great sadness for all those involved.

But this isn’t about anyone other than the band themselves so it’s fitting that their swansong is not an anodyne, detail-free piece of PR rubbish. Here’s what the band’s former manager, Tracy Holland, had to say…


“Well there’s nothing like leaving on a high!

I never thought my final task as Isolysis manager would be announcing the end of an era and bringing everything to a close. I always expected to be handing the boys over to a professional management company, possibly attached to a major label (we all know they are more than capable) but sadly, this is not to be the case.

There are so many clichés which could be applied here, such as ‘Everything happens for a reason’, ‘All good things come to an end’, ‘For a door to open, sometimes one needs to close’ …. funnily enough, these are all so relevant. All the members have different reasons for moving on, but all have plans to stay within the music industry in various degrees and guises. I know they will all do well in their particular fields as they are all so talented and great guys to work with.

The journey we have all been on has been more than eventful and it’s been such a pleasure to be involved with such a force to be reckoned with! The level of support that everyone has shown us all has been phenomenal and I know this is because of everyone’s unquestionable, pure belief in the talent Isolysis possessed.

This is a devastating time for all of us, I beg of you all to continue your support for Dean (Bane), Danny (Dan Monic), Dan (Dan Syndrome), Dave (Rickstein) and David (Rockstar). The boys will go onwards and upwards, this is FACT!

I also ask you all to show them your courtesy and allow them personal space to grieve. This is such a difficult time for everyone involved and despite this being the most difficult decision we have ever made, we all know, it is one which has had to be made. The Isolysis band Facebook page will remain open for a while so you are all invited to leave your comments of support on there.

This past 5 years have been the most amazing and fun journey of my life. So many twists and turns, highs and lows. I’ve met some amazing, crazy friends who I regard as family and very reliable contacts whom I will always keep close. I can’t name everyone as that would take forever! You all hold a special place in my heart and always will.

To my boys: Bane, Dan Monic, Dan Syndrome, Dave Rickstein and David Ruffin.
Thank you for having the belief in me and trusting me to take care of all things ISOLYSIS. I have been the luckiest manager around. My job has been an easy one to be fair; you are all so talented with wonderful personalities…the band sold itself! We have all been through so much together, good and bad. We have all supported each other through times of trouble and great sadness, laughed till our heads turned purple, gotten stupidly drunk, made mistakes and had tiffs. This is what families do. We are all family and always will be. There will always be a place for you around my dinner table, within my home and always within my heart. Xxx”

To everyone reading this: Thank you all so very much for your continued and loyal support. Whether you have been involved with the business side, behind the scenes, bought merchandise, travelled to a show or just clicked ‘like’ on a facebook comment…without you ALL our journey would never have happened. We will forever be in your debt. YOU ARE AMAZING xxx

As you all know, Dean is my partner. He is the love of my life. I don’t want to splash our personal life all over the internet but I would like to take a moment to send him this quick message.

To my Deany. I love you with all my heart and soul. I’m so proud of you, how far you have come and how much you have achieved. Isolysis may have brought us together, but we will remain together forever with all the love and memories of where Isolysis has taken us so far on our life’s journey.. There are so many more memories out there just waiting for us to make them. Stay strong. Forever yours, Your Tracy xxx

Thank you for reading all this so far, but please bear with me a little while longer. I would now like to hand over for the final time to my boys from Isolysis”

DannyAxe-slinger extraordinaire, Danny Beardsley, added,I don’t even know where to start. After 3 & 1/2 years of being a part of Isolysis, the list seems endless of who deserves a mention. Firstly and most importantly, I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, my nearest and dearest. Your love and endless support has meant the world to me.

To every single person who has ever been to a show, to anyone who bought the album or t shirt, thank you so much for your love and support. Time is precious, and I appreciate you sacrificing your time for us. Performing for you has been a pleasure.

To my friends, you know who you are, and I hope you know how much I appreciate your support and friendship.

Promoters, photographers, reviewers, producers and directors, thank you for all the time you have dedicated to Isolysis over the years.

Being in Isolysis has allowed me to grow as a musician and become the player I am today. I will always look back on this time with fondness and remember the good times I have shared with my brothers in Isolysis; Dean Holland, Daniel Hayes, Dave Wright and David Ruffin.

Thank you also to Tracy for all your hard work, love and support, none of it would have been possible without you.

I wish each of you the success and happiness you deserve.

Love Danny x”

Dan DanAnd from the idiosyncratic bassist, Dan Hayes, we’re told, “I’m really rubbish at goodbyes and thank yous and I’ll probably forget to thank someone really important so sorry in advance. It’s been a memorable 8 years and there’s been some unforgettable moments. I’d like to thank all the fans over the years and the venues and promoters that have put up with us, I’d also like to give a big thanks to all the bands we’ve played with and all the awesome musicians I’ve met. The biggest thank you though to Dean, Danny, Dave, David and Tracy for all the great times. BYE!”

For me, there was something especially poignant about drummer, Dave Wright’s parting words. Most will know of the enthusiastic youngster’s sheer joy at winning the drummer’s slot when original skins-man, David Ruffin, left the band.

Dave’s contribution pushed the band to new heights and few who witnessed his performances at Upload Festival and the band’s last MFN gig were left with any doubt that here was one of the finest young drummers anywhere on the circuit.
DaveHe had this to say, I remember the first time I saw Isolysis live back in 2009 when my band at the time was supporting them. As soon as they started playing I thought wow, that’s exactly the kind of music I want to make and at such a high standard I could only dream to be a part of it. In fact, I recorded some of their set on my phone and used to watch it every day just so I could hear the songs to tide me over until the album came out! Needless to say I was a HUGE fan!

I honestly could not believe my luck when I was told I’d got the job, it was a tremendous honour to be a part of the band and I knew I had big shoes to fill.

Though I was only a part of Isolysis for around 7 months, they were the best 7 months I could ever wish for. The band, and of course the amazing fans, have been so good to me I cannot thank you all enough!

As one myself, I know how much the band means to the fans. But even that is nothing compared to what I felt as a band member, you guys mean so much to all of us I cannot put it into words. It has been an overwhelming experience to have so many loyal fans; you guys even bought me to tears at the last MFN gig! The fans are the reason we got to where we were and bought us so many fond memories that will never leave our hearts and minds.

To the rest of the band, Dean, Dan and Danny, my brothers, it has been an unbelievable experience performing with you, and I sincerely wish you all the very best in whatever you choose to do. You are all fantastic at what you do and deserve to carry on a progress to whatever level you wish. We have had some great times together, all of which I will never forget. We all worked so hard in creating the music that we loved, but to save ourselves from each other, I’m sure you will all agree we have made the right decision.

And of course, Tracy, my second mum! You have been absolutely amazing! If it wasn’t for you we’d never have got anywhere, you are just as important as each band member, if not more! You and the rest of the band made me truly feel like part of the family and I can’t express how humbled it makes me.

Thank you, each and every one of you! You will hear from me again!”

And so, fittingly, the last word goes to erstwhile front-man, the larger than life Dean ‘Bane’ Holland. A man who has lived, breathed, eaten and drunk Isolysis for so long now, it’s sometimes been difficult to know where the band ends and he starts.

A riddle wrapped in an enigma and covered by tattoos, the complexity of the man belies utterly the on-stage persona most have known and supported. For a few of us, though, who know the real Dean Holland, the last few weeks have been some of the hardest of his life. And so the final notes of Isolysis’ farewell lullaby come from him. Over to you, my friend…

How’s it goin’ everyone? Hope you’re all doing good. ;) xxx Well I don’t really know what to say. It’s so hard to express how I feel about this decision and put it all into words. Obviously it goes without saying that I feel deeply sad about this, of course I do, Isolysis has been a massive part of my daily life for so long now that ending this incredible journey is like ending a relationship. Even the partner that chooses to leave still feels upset and hurt, no matter what the reason. But in all honesty, this decision was inevitable and if it hadn’t been made now, we all would have ended up resenting each other and that’s something that I really did not want to happen and couldn’t live with. Although we have had some huge ups and downs in the years we’ve been together as a band, I still class all of the lads as my brothers and love them very, very much. At times I do not know what I’d have done without them, they have been a rock for me when I’ve had my troubles and for that they will always hold a special place in my heart.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the bands we’ve worked with over the years (we’ve had some awesome times and loads of you we regard as true friends), booking agents, venues, record labels and representatives, journalists, radio stations and DJ’s, Charities we’ve worked for and supported, The Rocking rooms, video directors, magazines, Festivals, Bike festivals and MCCs, the list goes on and on and on….. I’m so sorry if I’ve left anything out put please believe me when I say that this is so hard for me.

My emotions are all over the place now and I’m writing this purely from the heart….. here goes……

To all the fans, I class each and every one of you as friends and I’m so, so very grateful for the mammoth support you’ve given us over the last few years. Isolysis fans are the greatest fans on this fuckin’ planet and no one can touch you for your pure awesomeness! It really is bringing tears to my eyes right now whilst writing this to think that we won’t be performing for you again. Please try to understand that we aren’t doing this to upset you, I swear. We love you all loads and would never want to hurt you in any way. It’s just the way things have to be, if you were in our shoes…. I know you’d understand. You’re amazing people, amazing friends, and we all hold you close in our hearts. Thank you so much for all the incredible memories. x

To my brothers, Dandan, Danny, Dave and David, we were a phenomenal band, no one can argue that or tell us any different, sure we never made the big time like we thought we could have, but who cares? In my eyes we have achieved so much, it really doesn’t matter. The ride we have taken together has been a fantastic one. Please believe me when I say that I love you all from the bottom of my heart and wish you every success in the world. You are all staggeringly brilliant musicians and it’s been an absolute pleasure to share the stage with you, I’m so, so very proud of you all and what we have achieved together, not just as band-mates, as brothers. We have played some absolutely amazing shows and blew people away all over the country and further. Think of all the memories. There are thousands upon thousands of individual laughs and moments, we really have had some bostin’ times…. Going to Ibiza, Hammerfest, Ilfracombe, all the home gigs we’ve done in front of our faithful, and not to forget…. our ‘Condemned’ album launch night. Aside from the day I first held my little boy (Ethan) when he was born, that was the greatest day of my life, and you guys were by my side, standing tall. We’ve also spent some quality times together as friends and all of us have made each other laugh so hard that we’ve cried. There’s nothing or no one that can take that away from us. I will hold all those memories dearly in my mind and heart for the rest of my life. xxx

Last but most definitely not least is a message to my beautiful Tracy, thank you so much for the tireless work you’ve done for the band and the way you’ve held things together for us, without you we would never have come as far as we have. You are just as important to us as a band member and have been a vital part of the success we have achieved in Isolysis. On a personal level, thank you for loving me and standing by me through all the good times and bad. I know it’s been hard when times have been rough but after all has been said and done, we are still here and still as strong as ever. I love you unconditionally and wouldn’t know what to do without you. You are and will always be my every breath and with you by my side, I know I can be strong enough to move forward from this and look to a brighter future. Forever yours, your Dean xxx

Thanks again everyone and keep smiling, I love you all.
Dean (Bane) xxx”

And from the band, “Isolysis thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. We leave you with one final gift….this is for you all. We hope you enjoy it.
See you around ;) xxx”

It’s been a blast, guys. You took it to the limit and gave it your all. It’s been a pleasure and privilege to work with you all. Rock on, love, H.

Thanks For The Memories

  1. mick moonshine says:

    Really sad to hear you’ve gone your seperate ways i’ve have some great gigs and times with you guys and hopefully will do again with any future projects ISOLYSIS will leave a big hole in the rock/metal scene see you all soon
