Posts Tagged ‘Moonshine Magazine’


First published in Moonshine Magazine, May 2011 Even by the standards of their own unfeasibly high work ethic, Toxic Federation’s recent level of activity would make lesser bands wince. Not content with their usual, punishing schedule of gigs, the Feddies have been burning the midnight oil in their Breaston-based studio, writing and recording, for their forthcoming [...]

Dyonisis : Intoxicated

Posted: 27th September 2010 by Harry in Albums
Tags: Ambient, Dyonisis, , ,

First published in Moonshine Magazine, September 2010. This, the second, self-financed album from Dyonisis, might more accurately be titled ‘Sedated’, given the utter lack of variety and sheer, grinding monotony on offer. Hold on, though; my personal brief is to help and promote unsigned acts and I work on the premise that if I [...]