Pandora’s Box

Posted: 1st June 2011 in Poetry & Lyrics
Tags: Pandora's Box, Poetry

This started life as a set of lyrics that never really made the grade. The band I was with went tits up before I’d finished the music and the chorus never really worked anyway. Went back to it a while after our spectacular demise and after some hacking, slashing and re-jigging, it seemed to work better as a poem. Of sorts…

The shadow of my past is looming closer day by day,
and all the finer things inside are starting to decay.
I don’t know how this sword has come to hang above my head,
or what it is I can’t recall that fills my soul with dread.
A deeply, buried sin, perhaps, or a long forgotten crime?
On concrete wings I strive to fly from all the ties that bind.
The past is never something that we can leave behind,
It’s something that we move toward, getting closer all the time.
A youthful indiscretion, or something foul and black?
I’m desperate to remember but I’m scared of looking back.
The line between my memory and imagination’s wafer thin,
Is there really something at my door, that’s trying to get in?
Madness and reality are much closer than we know,
sometimes they’re hard to tell apart when the cracks begin to show.
Regret and guilt they strip away fond memories of my youth,
and in their place instead a fear, of finding out the truth.