This Septic Isle

Posted: 4th June 2012 in BLOG, POLITICS & CURRENT AFFAIRS
Tags: , , , Royal Family

I don’t understand the Brits. I never have. Although I’m from Scotland and, technically, I suppose, in the eyes of many that makes me a Brit, I just don’t get the national psyche.

They’ll rage furiously at the thought of a hard-working Polish plumber grafting his arse off because he’s “stealing our jobs” yet fawn, grovel, bow and scrape at a collection of German-Greek immigrant benefit-scroungers bleeding the country dry as long as they’re wearing crowns while they do so.

Despite all of Cromwell’s efforts, the British remain a people in love with the monarchy and their fascination with the interminable minutiae of the royals’ pampered lives remains a source of endless fascination. They’ll tell you better Mrs Windsor than Mr Blair as head of state, any day of the week. Quite how and why Tony Blair would be the mandatory head of state if we didn’t have a monarchy is something only they know. Why they feel we need a head of state at all, in fact, is a topic you’ll debate at the risk of your sanity.

They seem to think, also, that the Windsors are to be thanked for generating every single pound of tourist revenue and that that justifies their existence. In fact, to the British, it seems as if the Windsors are the constitutional equivalent of the bloody Beatles; every single thing of any merit is to be laid at their door, irrespective of any evidence to the contrary. It’s a nonsense argument, of course. Like all the arguments from toadying monarchists are nonsense. It presupposes that somehow, someway, were we to rid ourselves of this decaying, corrupt, anti-democratic, feudal hangover, people would suddenly cease to visit our septic isle. People come to see the sights, the palaces, the artefacts, and the visible reminders of centuries of history. It’s not as if the Queen, or one of her dysfunctional offspring, pop out onto the lawn at Buck house to pose for photos with Japanese tourists, is it?

But let’s talk about the money for a moment. Those crazy Brits have spent the last few months bitterly complaining that because those of them in the private sector have had their pensions looted so public sector workers should shut up moaning and take it too. Frankly, this absolutely mystifies me; this spiteful, resentful ignorance that drives so much British political opinion. Yet it’s woefully inconsistent, isn’t it? Perish the thought nurses, doctors, cleaners, firemen and teachers should manage to hang on to their derisory pensions, which average out at a miserable £5K a year, by the way, but they’ll smile vapidly and cheer moronically while waving a plastic union flag at just one family raking in somewhere in the region of £340 million a year of public money. That doesn’t even include the indirect payments for security, travel, maintenance and those sumptuous dinner parties where the Queen entertains despots, torturers, dictators and murdering tyrants from the Middle East and Africa.

This weekend’s nauseating jamboree will add a few extra zeros to the nation’s outgoings column as well. Oh, and the wedding last year. As if all that weren’t enough to challenge even the most resilient sycophantic ignorance, the Queen, with breathtaking gall, had the effrontery to ask for a further contribution from the government’s cold weather pot, set up to help poverty-stricken pensioners with rising fuel costs, to help heat her bloody palaces! God forbid this incalculably wealthy scrounger should actually pay for these things herself. Her personal fortune, including stocks, shares, property, art and so on is estimated at somewhere in the region of £3 billion. Be right back; excuse me while I vomit…

So where were we? Ah, yes, all this at a time when public services, public sector jobs, wages, terms and conditions are being slashed in the most savage round of austerity measures yet seen in modern times. We can’t afford them, you see. We all need to do our bit and make sacrifices because “we’re all in it together”, remember. Oh dear; I’m feeling sick again…

We throw billions of tax pounds at crooked and incompetent bankers, while allowing them to continue enjoying six and seven-figure salaries, bonuses and stock options and then we have this publicly-funded bean-fest of gluttonous and hideously expensive proportions as well. But we can’t afford to let nurses draw the pension they were promised. Go figure, as the Crown’s former colonial subjects might say.

Meanwhile, just a few miles across the English Channel…

The French shake their heads in disbelief.

The average Englishman sneers at the French while they riot, strike and rebel at every injustice and outrage. The average Englishman, on the other hand, prefers instead to whine, bitch and sulk that someone may be slightly less badly-off than he is and when someone finally does take action, he condemns those people for doing that which he lacks the guts and integrity to do himself.

He prefers, instead, to fawn, grovel and scrape at the feet of a corrupt, anti-democratic collective of glorified social security spongers, parasites that the French had the guts to excise centuries ago.

How the hell anyone can wave a union flag and be proud of this squalid, mean-spirited and patronage-ridden feudal-backwater we call the UK is beyond even my impressive powers of creativity.

But it’s not even the money, the inequality, the nauseating display of riches, power and privilege we continue to fund simply due to accidents of birth. It’s the affront to democracy that represents the biggest sin. The Queen and her fellow ermine-clad panhandlers aren’t just some quaint, loveable, eccentric legacy from medieval times. They aren’t powerless and they aren’t harmless. They represent and also wield considerable powers which can be utilised in times of national crisis (for crisis read rebellion, protest, civil disturbance and an uppity peasantry). Via the Royal Prerogative a panoply of special powers exist which can be wheeled out to suspend parliament, implement martial law and snuff out any forces deemed to threaten the existing order. Oh, and get this; the Monarch is exempt from prosecution for any offence at all. Ever. Outrageous, disgraceful and absolutely impossible to justify.

A constitutional, hereditary monarchy, along with an unelected upper chamber which can overrule decisions made by those whom the public has elected, has no place in any country claiming to be a democracy. No place at all; into the dustbin of history with these reactionary worthies and their entire apparatus of class-privilege, patronage and inequality.

Apart from anything else, what the hell is wrong with a people who individually and collectively have such little self-respect they’ll happily debase themselves before a collection of maladjusted misfits who only occupy the position they do thanks to centuries of incest, tyranny, murder, thievery and bloodshed? And none of this is personal, by the way. In fact, I actually like Prince Charles. Seriously. Bringing up that ginger toe-rag as if he were his own child? You have to admire the man for that, at least.

And so, folks, this weekend leaves you a couple of options:

You can join in the triumphalist orgy of sickening, sycophantic fawning that celebrates the anti-democratic concept of inherited, unelected, wealth, privilege and power, paid for by us.

Or you could share a few beers, peace and harmony with those you love and raise a toast to a future where no one dies alone, cold, starving and homeless on our streets while a single family of leeches is subsidized to the tune of hundreds of millions, maybe even billions, of pounds every year. Here’s to a better, more humane, world. A brighter, monarchy-free, future.

Vive la republique!

  1. Stu Who says:

    Bang on target, Harry … a blistering critique of the madness which infects our little islands.

    The irrational arguments of those who support this throwback to mediaeval times never cease to baffle me, anger me, and stretch my respect for humanity to its limits.

    Like an abused wife who steadfastly supports and even defends her violent abuser and insists that they have redeeming characteristics … their arguments and explanations defy any serious debate

    Dumb as fukk and a little ugly on the side

  2. Annie sands says:

    Great piece of writing Harry

  3. Nelson says:

    your just scum with nuthing betta 2 do than run ower cuntry down. fuck off to korea trater.

  4. Dave says:

    if you arent proud of our beatiful country and our womderful hsitory you have no business living here.

  5. JK123 says:

    I serve my country in the army only to come back and find scum like you sayin things like this. you should be hung for treason in the tower. fucking pieace of shit.

  6. britavenger says:

    the queen does more good for this country than you ever will you nasty little leftwing cunt

  7. RuleBritannia says:

    There is no place for communist agitators like you in this noble land. you should be deported, sir. You make me ashamed.

  8. Martin Short says:

    Your are right on the money here Harry. I must admit that as a Scot you have even more of a right to have a pop at the monarchy than most ! It must look very strange to the French that a country which claims to be free and democratic still embraces this sort of Royalist excess!! The again to the french we look very strange anyway!
    The thing that also amazes me is the comments posted by your well-wishers! One who doesn’t want to come back and see a true democrat voicing his opinions about an anomaly that should have been sorted out years ago but probably (and I’m guessing here) thinks that the EDF have a point and UKIP are a legitimate voice in the European debate (debate!!! WTF!). Then yet another who calls himself by a Greek word, Brettaniai, meaning a collection of individual islands and wishes that you – a true native of the biggest of those islands, often called Albion (or Alba in the original tongue of the country) – should be deported!! Er – Where to?
    I wonder if the “Windsors” would be as popular if they dropped the pseudonym and called themselves by their real family name of Saxe-Coberg-Gotha or even their original name Emestine ( a branch of the Bavarian Wettin dynasty). Who would Mr/Ms Brittania want to deport then!?
    Great piece of writing Harry – Well done.

  9. David Harwood says:

    The description you are looking for is a Twatriot

  10. Rob Reid says:

    It’s good to see that the supporters of Her Maj can put together a reasoned and informed argument. I imagine that if she actually gave a toss it would make her proud to be German!

  11. Andy Foss says:

    Oh yeah Harry! I think i’ve said almost everything on here at different times, so it’s good to see it all together – & so well written “comrade” [lol].
    One thing, why is it that the right-wing – so well represented in their critique of the article here – find it necessary to swear so strongly in type? Do they honestly think it’ll hurt you more [at all?] the harder the swearing gets? Tut tut.

    ps. One person here isn’t talking for the whole of “the army”, as the comment may suggest, I can “assure” you of this – he/she just wanted to let you know what job they did for some strange reason…..

    • Kev B says:

      wow.. some really well thought through criticisms of your piece.
      didn’t realise that an anti-monarchist stance would bring out such a violent wave of bad spelling

  12. tony says:

    Great read & well said in so many ways.. Her Maj did the Photo shoot with the Royals from around the world & had no problems sitting there smiling with some right Scum bags.Do a Youtube search for the Prince of Thailand whos in that photo (BTW)& the party he did for his pet dog.This is the type of folk Maj calls her close friends, not the common folk in the st.

  13. FDC says:

    Very well put. It interests me that the detractors of your words have little else to say but swearing at you and telling you to leave the country… No actual, reasoned defence for their point of view. If that isn’t a sign of thoughtless, brainwashed rhetoric, I don’t know what is.

    In fact, they show almost American levels of blind love for the nation their parents fucked in.

  14. Harry's Master says:

    Fantastic piece of writing, H., and right on the money. It neatly encapsulates everything I think about the rotten institution of the monarchy, but sadly don’t have the guts to say in public, let alone write down.

    And I must say I’m rather annoyed at all these monarchists coming on here and calling you a c**t. Not because you aren’t one – obviously, you are a c**t of the highest order. But because they haven’t earned the right to apply said epithet to you. If anyone’s going to be calling you a c**t, I want it to be me.

    I apologise for all the asterisks. When it comes to the written word, it turns out I am something of a prude. Unlike, strangely, all the oh so highly articulate supporters of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II above.

    On the other hand, I can’t say I’m a big fan of Oliver Cromwell either. Sure, he chopped off the King’s head and established an all too short-lived republic, but I can’t get past the fact that he was a genocidal religious maniac. Still, nobody’s perfect…

  15. MareePSasja says:

    Harry, I’ve pondered this issue since a teenager. I have never understood the dichotomy of what is a predominantly working & middle class population worshipping the British monarchy. About ten years ago it looked like things might finally fizzle out but hey, throw in a new glamour couple to adore, a royal wedding or two and a jubilee year… and the British public is back to its old ways.
    My theory is that, having endured quite a few years of economic downturn, the population is desperate to hang onto something of which they feel they can be ‘proud’. And let’s face it – the rest of the world does seem to show an interest too.
    I should mention that I write as an Australian who recently lived in the UK for a couple of years. I was struck by the level of loyalty to the royal family. Aside from a cursory interest in royal weddings etc, most Australians have no real interest in ‘our’ monarch. Her visit here in 2011 attracted only minor crowds compared to the good old days of her popularity.
    I will also mention that the day this country voted – in a referendum – against becoming a republic (1999) was one of the most shameful days of my life. Sadly the greater proportion of the Australian public was bamboozled and misled by a pro-monarchy fear campaign and they were all too stupid to investigate the facts. The monarchists won 55 to 45 per cent.
    So here we are in 2012, still with a head of state who lives on the other side of the world and who can legally remove a head of government elected by the Australian people (a la the Gough Whitlam dismissal in 1975).
    ‘I weep for the future’…

  16. Harry says:

    I weep with you, ‘MareePSasja’

    ‘Harry’s Master’ Thanks very much and regarding Cromwell, I’m with you all the way there. Certainly he is no hero of mine either.

    And thanks to the rest of you who taken the time to contribute to this debate. Just a shame the opposition is of such poor quality and seem capable only of obscenity, appalling spelling and general all-round ignorance.
