Posts Tagged ‘Afghanistan’


You might need to sit down for this one. Ready? OK, here goes… Soldiers aren’t heroes. There. Shocking, eh? Well, consider this; the army, like any organisation comprising hundreds of thousands of men and women, will contain almost as many different types as there are people. There will be the diligent and the lazy, the [...]

A Tale Of Two States : Azhar Ahmed and Scott McHugh

Posted: 13th March 2012 by Harry in BLOG, POLITICS & CURRENT AFFAIRS
Tags: , Azhar Ahmed, Civil Liberties, Freedom, protest, , Scott McHugh

No one should be under any illusion regarding the increasingly oppressive nature of the UK state. The creeping criminalization of previously legal protest action has been seen countless times recently; students protesting against tuition fees and the politically-motivated sentences handed down to those convicted of last summer’s riots being just two of the most obvious examples. Things have taken a very [...]

The Day After Tomorrow…

Posted: 10th August 2011 by Harry in BLOG, POLITICS & CURRENT AFFAIRS
Tags: , Anna Chen, Government, Law, Police, , Violence

OK, the police have been given the go-ahead to deploy water cannons, rubber bullets, live ammunition, flame throwers and nuclear weapons. A sanctimonious British public revel in the grisly images on our TV screens. The charred bodies of looters, still gently smouldering in the late summer breeze, lie dormant in the gutters. Dead chavs swing from lamp-posts as a baying [...]